After having worked together for 3 years, but dated for a few months, August and I were married in Las Vegas on February 17, 2007.

...What an enchanted day that was. I had always expected to have a big, lavish, stressful and highly expensive wedding. Our special day turned out to be none of those things...and we were both very glad. We had a beautiful ceremony on a gondola at the Venetian Hotel (ok, it was a little bit expensive but well worth it).

We had decided to seize the day. We told nobody of our plans to wed and ran away to Vegas 2 days after Valentine's Day and a week before Augie's 49th birthday.
However, we did not announce to the people at work that we were

married until 2 months had gone by. We were concerened that it might jeopardize either one of our positions as I am a history teacher and Augie is the dean/counselor at the same school. When we finally did reveal our news, our co-workers and administration could not have been more happy for us.
What a busy month February will be for us from now on, you may say. But wait, there's more...5 1/2 months after we wed, I am 2 1/2 months pregnant!...no, wait, there's more....with TWINS!!!

As a teacher, I am I glad for summers off now that I am in my first trimester. And now that UTLA & LAUSD agreed to have a 12 month pay schedule, summers off don't hurt us financially. But all the time off is making Augie and I very anxious about what to expect. My mother had twin boys with her first pregnancy (and I am a twinless twin, myself), but in 1966, she was unaware of it.
I, like a lot of fist time moms-to-be I guess, am worried about the health and safety of the tiny, delicate, little packages in my tummy, especially since I am diabetic and apparently now also have thyroid dysfunction.
My doctor tells me that worrying about this pregnancy will only be more stressful for my little fetuses and everything looks pretty good anyway. So, I have decided to turn my attention to learning how to manage having multiples.
An interesting thing that I have learned is that there are very few solutions to the crib dilema for multiples. Why is this, I wonder? Twins are common enough. My mother told me that my brothers cribbed together until about 6 months until she noticed that they were both bruised and scratched up.
This couldn't be, I thought. And if so, surely my brothers were just the exceptional little rascals. Not so, I have been reading. Apparently, babies develop the kind of motor skills right around the 6th month which can be harmful to their cribmates.
Jeesh! I was really hoping to get away with just one crib. In fact, I was hoping to get away with just one of everything. Boy, am I wrong! And then it struck me. I AM HAVING 2 BABIES!?!?!
You would think 2 educators could think of what to do with 2 kids but its funny how you feel so clueless about the things you should be confident about.
And now I am thinking: I am having 2 babies and I want to cry...I have always felt like an anomolly. I grew up a half Armenian, half Irish, fat, painfully shy, highly perceptive kid in prodominantly hispanic Los Angeles. My parents were older, my brothers were older and now my husband is older. I am diabetic, have a thyroid condition and an autoimmune disorder and I am only 32. And now I am pregnant...not with 1 baby, but 2 and I want to cry...because I finally have an anomolly that makes me blessed!
So, I did what any other 10 week pregnant woman would do, I bid on a crib for twins on ebay.

It is 2 canopied corner cribs by Baby Trilogy that you can link together to form a half circle. They are enormously expensive at $600 per crib and $100 per mattress and $350 per bedding set. $2100 total!!! Luckily, the double one on ebay is being sold with the mattresses and partial bedding by a mother of twins for $500 and local pick-up. It is the only double corner crib auction on ebay and it happens that the seller lives just 35 miles away! What luck, I would have paid more
than that for 2 regular cribs.
...And now for the bedding...We, of course, don't know if we are having boys or girls or both. And the pricey DNA gender tests are not really good choices for me as I am having twins and they would only be able to detect 1 male and the other twin would remain unknown. I thought about the problems with gender specific environments anyway. While, our girls, if we should be blessed, will be the apples of our eyes, we don't want to raise overly affected, entitled, cotton candy little Paris Hiltons. Neither do I want to raise muscle bearing, macho boys. So, I have been searching for cute but non gender specific kids bedding and things.
Lately, I have decided that I love, love, love Pottery Barn's Alphabet Soup which is now discontinued. I found it by accident while searching for

Cocolo's Alphabet Soup (which is cute but is a tad too circus-y for me). I was able to get some of the collection at Pottery Barn Kids before it became discontinued but not nearly all the pieces that I needed. Luckily, a lot of the pieces are up for auction at ebay, although for way more money than the store had them. I have to adapt a lot of the pieces to fit the corner cribs but I can be resourcefull and imaginative when I need to be and I guess I will just have to pay a few dollars more. I plan on using the window valances as the canopies and this is proving to be the hardest and most expensive aquisition so far.
More news to follow...