Some things have changed since my last post. Augie and I decided to ditch his apartment and crazy landlady for a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom rental house in the same neighborhood. I really appreciate the garage space, our new washer and dryer and a nice backyard. We already have a patio set although we used it only 3 or 4 times before the weather got too cold. The place is tidy and nicely decorated but most of our real "junk" has been stored in the garage for 4 months now. I said I would organize it all day by day but haven't really attempted that at all. See, I am now 28 weeks pregnant and quite uncomfortable. We found out at 17 weeks that we are having 2 little girls. I am over the moon! We've named them Isabella Anne and Lily Beth. So far, babies are doing great and measuring right on target. There are, of course, a few concerns with my health, so we are hoping to make full term before delivery.

So, even though the baby shower is set for December 9th, the nursery is just about finished. I really loved Pottery Barn's discontinued non-gender specific "Alphabet Soup" collection but I couldn't resist going all girly instead. So, while I still went with Pottery Barn as I like the quality of their bedding, I chose the "Ava" collection which is now also discontinued. I am glad I bought it in time. But the real reason I decided to buy the collection early is because the bedding needed to be tailored to fit the corner cribs. Remember them? Ah yes, the corner cribs I bought from ebay way back when I was barely even preggers! Boy, I am glad I bought those, now! I have been checking ebay regularly to see if corner cribs were ever posted in auction again and aside from someone is Wisconsin months back, nobody has ever posted one again. I thought I had paid so much for them at about $600 for 2 but the woman from Wisconsin listed hers for $600...a piece! Not surprisingly, she got no bids....
So, the twins grandmother took apart all the Pottery Barn bedding and made a canopy for the top of the cribs, a bedskirt for each and shortened the bumpers to make them fit. I sent a queen sheet of the same Pottery Barn collection (PB is one the only company I have found that makes a whole line of bedding from crib sheets to queen sheets) to the Baby Trilogy Company (the people that make the corner cribs) and had them make two corner sheets. The end result is excuisite. Additionally, Augie's aunt bought us a fantastically comfortable ivory chenille rocker/glider/easy chair and ottoman from Babies R' Us. My mother also bought a matching Pottery Barn rug and a twin dresser from IKEA. I got a changing table from Target (which turned out to be free due to several shipping mishaps). My brother painted the room pastel yellow and I had 2 pictures made to say the girls' names above their cribs (which will probably have to be removed when they start to stand up). Boopey the cat loves the nursery.
I find her sun bathing in there almost everyday. Even though the twins' nursery appears to be unique, I really just copied the display nursery for the "Ava" collection right down to the curtain rods. Its amazing that I have anything left to get but the gift registries are filled. I just hope the baby shower guests come through! Even if they don't, I will be so happy to just share such an exciting event with my friends and family. My mother and her best friend are giving the shower but won't tell me what they have planned. I am sort of nervous about it since I am not really feeling my full capacity physically. I just hope they don't embarras me. We'll see on the 9th, just 2 weeks away!