Ok so,

My babies shower was on a Sunday afternoon almost two weeks ago now.
Although I have been feeling miserable from the pregnancy and my 160 pound weight gain due to water, I was anxious to see everybody. It was quite a close call, though, as my doctor had called the day before to tell me that he was concerned with the extremeness of the swelling (a condition I had pre-pregnancy but not quite as badly), so he was going to admit me into the hospital for observation for an indefinite length of time. Luckily, he admitted me the following Tuesday. I don't think he was really prepared for a case like mine. After all, I weighed over 160 lbs. less when I met him just a few months ago. Above is a picture of Augie and I in Vegas last January- not even a year ago!

My stay in the hospital lasted exactly four days, at which point I told my doctor to either release me or I was going AWOL! I was seriously going crazy in stir! Fortunately, he agreed. Since then, we've talked about all the possibilites and limitations for this pregnancy and even though we really just have to see what happens, I will be given a C-section in the 38th week if both the girls are gaining 1 lbs. a week. If not, out they come any time now! Its a scary proposition! At any rate, my baby shower was a success although I can't believe how enormous I look. The kidney doctor didn't seem to be a bit surprised by the swelling and said it should pretty much all be gone by 6 weeks after delivery. Thank God!