ok, so...
I read about it before the girls came. I agonized and thought and studied. I did my homework and my research but nothing, REALLY NOTHING, can prepare you for the dilemma of finding the perfect stroller for twins. Firstly, there are so many different reasons to have a different stroller, sort of like choosing a pair of shoes in the morning. I won’t wear my heels if I am going jogging and I wouldn’t wear my sneakers to a wedding. From shopping at the mall, taking long walks and running errands to family outings, vacations, trips and amusement parks, a parent of twins must have a stroller. And, as it turns out, these outings apparently require a different stroller for each. Currently, we have nine (yes, nine) strollers and are thinking about acquiring one or two more. We’re crazy, you say…and maybe we are but there is a reason for all of them and all of them serve their use. I just wish that all of them could be combined into one! First, we
have our universal tandem. You know, the ones that are just a frame and can carry a car seat. We have two- a Baby Trend Double Snap-n-Go and a Swan Snap-n-Go Double (which I think is the older version of the Baby Trend). We have two: one for us and one for grandma and grandpa (they take care of the twins while we are at work). I love this stroller, especially when the twins were just born. From car, to carrier to stroller and even to swing (I have the Graco SnugGlider swing)- I never have to disturb the girls while they are sleeping. It was really the only way to transport them from birth as they were preemies (as twins often are) and they would have been too small (they were 3 lbs each) for any other stroller. The stroller handles well and maneuvers pretty easily although the length makes it less convenient in elevators, doctor’s offices and restaurants (because the stroller is often placed at the head of the booth, many waiters refuse to serve us). I find the tandem part fairly convenient as long as the girls are sleeping. When they became old enough to want to explore their environment, however, the tandem has become less functional. Since the car seat is a fixed recline, they have begun to squirm as they grow.

I find that dealing with two infants at the same time is a difficult chore at best. Often, both are screaming at the top of their lungs in the middle of Target or the mall. (I dropped by at work before my maternity leave was up and they did the same thing there. What an embarrassing situation that was- especially for a teacher!) My husband and I both found it difficult to have the girls alone. So, often we each take one girl. If we need milk, for example, I take one with me to the market while my husband stays home with the other girl. Or, grandma will take one and we will keep the other. It has made our lives much easier. However, we needed a singleton stroller for this task. So, we bought two single versions of the Baby Trend Snap-n-Go. They come in handy and are so small that they go anywhere. But we soon realized that, unless we are alone, which we almost never are during a family outing, the single stroller is smaller, easier to handle, fits in tight places and is a better choice in restaurants while we are all together. My husband also discovered that instead of boing bored with me in Gymboree at the mall, he could mosy on down to the Apple store in the mean time. This worked out so well that we realized we needed 2 single strollers for the girls, especially as they get older.

But we also needed a side-by-side for when the girls are together at things like amusement parks and parades or when I am alone with them. I heard rave reviews about the Combi Twin
Savvy, so we bought one a month or so ago. Although a bit pricey, this is by far my favorite stroller and the twins’ main stroller. The sun shade is pretty good, the storage is not too bad and the recline is decent enough that I can change a diaper in the stroller in emergencies. They girls could also use the stroller right away because the foot part has a closure that creates a continuous bed or infant carriage (where they don't fall out even when they are not restrained). They are a lot more comfortable laying down in the Combi than in the Baby Trends. We have a rule, if the girls are sleeping in their car seats by the time we arrive to our destination, we do not wake them and instead take the Baby Trend universal stroller frame. But, if they are both awake, we use the Combi or Kolcraft strollers.