The 22nd of August was my 34th birthday but my family and I celebrated yesterday. We went to StoneFire Grill for the first time. It was pretty good, but a lot of work for me…as usual. It is a family style BBQ restaurant. After our meal, our guests came to our house for cake and ice cream. Augie put 24 candles on the cake to be kind but I don’t mind my age. They all stayed until midnight. It was nice to see everybody. It has been a while since both Augie’s family and my family were together. 

This is my mother and Augie's younger sister Judy with Lily and Isabella...
My father, though suffering from bone cancer, loves to get together with the family...especially Augie's...
Here is the girls' cousin, Judy's son Gabriel and composer of the photos (he took this pic himself)...
Here is Augie in a rare candid moment...
This is my older brother, Ken. He is one of a (fraternal) match set. Yes, my mother and I both carry the twin gene and no, it does not always skip a generation!...
This is my other older brother Kevin, and Ken's twin.
Here is Aunt Judy, Isabella and Gabriel hamming it up...
and a quiet moment with Lily and her daddy...
This is Judy and Augie's Aunt Gloria on their mother's side. Although their father is Danish-decent, their mother was full-blooded Mexican as is Gloria. Gloria is rarely photograhed...
Boopey also joined in the festivities and presented me with a "gift" on the floor the next morning. Thanks Boopey!