The girls will be 11 months old tomorrow. They are now crawling, clapping, standing up on their own, eating table food and getting into EVERYTHING. Lily seems to love cat food. CAT FOOD!?! Her favorite thing is to crawl to the kitchen when mama isn't looking and grab a nice hand full of the stuff and stuff it in her mouth. Bella has been caught with a hand full once also. All that money Augie and I spend on their food! Who knew they'd love cat food? Ick! The girls generally love the cat and all the cat's things including the cat box. Bella can even say "kitty" or something that sounds similar when she sees the cat. The cat, howewever. being twice shy, hates the girls.
So, as you may have guessed, Augie and I have yet to completely childproof the house. I guess we thought the girls would be preemies for the rest of their lives. In truth, we have all the things needed to childproof but none of the time. I did, however, finally lower their cribs...and not a moment too soon as I have seen Bella ponder the task of escaping! Its hard to believe that this time next month will be the girls' 1st Birthday...oh, and Christmas, too.
The girls saw the preemie specialist again- the one that checks their growth and development. Lily and Bella are right on track, although they still function at 2 months younger than their biological age. He did say, however, that I could probably start transitioning them to regular cow's milk. Happy day! Their formula is 10 bucks a bottle and they go through 2 of them a day! Now all I will need is a gallon of the cheap stuff, a few cans of cat food and we're set! Yippee!