Help...she's already sleeping around with boys...

The Official Easter Post and more news...

The trip to San Jose/San Francisco was a success. Lily and Bella honed in on their walking skills. They loved having adjoining hotel rooms with my parents. It gave them reason and opportunity to walk to and fro and to and fro and to and fro. The girls were able to visit with both their grandpas

My two little bunnies have been growing, changing and developing so many new skills. Their vocabulary is also growing. Both the girls can say (or sound like they are saying) daddy, mama, duck, block, ball, hi, kitty, thank you, uh-oh and many others that we haven't quite figured out yet. Lily is constantly mumbling something that sounds like "hiya" but we haven't figured out what that means to her, yet. Both of them know the word "no" but pretend like they don't. They both love to laugh at you when you look stern. Lucky us! They seem to understand far more than they can say and that we really know. Bella especially likes to find things that she can hand to you so that she can say "thank you". Lily loves to drop things on the floor so that she can say "uh-oh" (actually, she'll say uh-oh first and then the object falls to the floor- it just about drove us nuts on our trip). They both love to dance when you put music on and they both love to hum and sing along with you. Both girls also love to put things in baskets and boxes and I have even seen both of them put the correct shapes in the correct shape holes. Now that Bella is an expert walker, she loves to walk her walker/ride-on toy all around the backyard and she can maneuver it to go where she wants. When she reaches the end of the yard, she steps to the back of the toy and starts all over again in the opposite direction. Climbing is Bella's new favorite sport and she has all the bumps and bruises to show for it. Lily especially likes to draw when she is not eating the writing utensil (her molars are finally coming in months after her sisters').

The next day, Easter finally came. We were all so tired out from our trip up north and from the zoo that neither Augie nor I had enough energy to dress the girls in their pretty Easter dresses. In fact, Augie spent most of the morning building the new propane BBQ and could hardly enjoy the food that was cooked on it later that day. We each grabbed the nearest outfits for the girls that we could find (which turned out to be the remarkably unsoiled clothes worn at the zoo the day before) and invited the families to our house for a BBQ and
Easter egg hunt. Luckily,
cousin Gabriel had colored Easter eggs for the whole family the night before.
Although Bella fell and hit her head twice on the brick steps, we all had a great time and my older brother got some
fantastic photos of the festivities.
Later, my mother bathed the girls and dressed them in 3-6 month-sized sleepers (ok, I am busted, I was just too exhausted to do any laundry).
Can you believe we can still get our 15 month olds in those? Ok, they were squeezed in them from top to toe!