It is unbelievable how much the girls have grown over the summer. Lily has already gone through 2 sizes of shoes and Bella has had a word explosion.
Are they really toddlers now? I still think of them as the babies I brought home (though, I didn't actually bring them home since I was hospitalized for 6 weeks but the girls were only there for 4). Bella and Lily
have enjoyed their summer and their new trikes but sadly, it will come to an end when I go back to work and they back to school on the 8th of September.
Bad Blogger, Good Summer...
ok so,
Its been a while since I've posted but so much has been going on that this blogger has just not had time to blog away about it. The girls are growing, growing, growing. They each have about 25 words now and are trying to do "big girl" things like eat at the dinner table in a chair- not HIGH chair.
They do pretty well with it. Soon, they will be out of their cribs (I am sad to report) and into big girl beds. In fact, I have been selling just about all their baby equipment on Ebay and it is making me very sad (not to mention the very sad profits that they yield- oh well, they don't call in a recession for nothing). I have also been buying "big girl" outdoor play things for our backyard as well as Nana's.
Although we missed the Orange County Fair this year (we kept putting it off), we did get to the Ventura County Fair
with Aunt Judy and Cousin Gabriel where Bella and Lily rode a pony for the first time (so much for my objection about the exploitation of animals!).
Bella was at first a little hesitant about it
but recovered quite nicely to enjoy the rest of what seemed like a very long pony ride.
Lily took it all in stride, as usual.
The girls also enjoyed riding a few rides for the first time (well, I shouldn't say "enjoyed" more like "freaked out"
for most the ride). We hope to get to the LA County Fair a little later in August.At almost 20 months, the girls finally had their 18-month well-baby check-up and last vaccinations today. While during their previous visits, the girls were both pretty much off the charts in terms of being way smaller than their age group, this time the girls are on the charts. Bella is still a little small for her age and measures at about the 25th percentile in height and weight. Lily, on the other hand, is right at the 50th percentile for her weight and 25th percentile for height, like her sister. We'd better watch the ole' gal's eatin, lest she be a hefty Sue like her mama!
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