ok so,
Bella has been rolling over for about 2 months now and she says "emme" when she means "mama". She can almost sit up unassisted but she is much more top-heavy than her sister. Mostly she falls over when she reaches for something...and she is always reaching for something (eesh). Bella also has a new tooth, cut just 2 weeks ago. She never seemed upset about it-I am glad we got through the first. One down, 100 more to go!

Lily is getting so good at sitting up. I can leave her pretty much on her own and she'll stay seated for about 5-10 minutes before she topples. However, she still is not rolling over...nope, not an inch. Lily can sit, she has excellent fine motor skills, she can hold her own bottle, she can put her pacifier back in her mouth when it falls out, she can say her vowels (roughly sounding like a sea otter), she can track an item put out of sight but she cannot roll over! We've done everything from showing her how to putting bells on her feet to grab and inadvertantly roll but she is completely content with just staying where you put her. The doctor says she has a happy disposition and is complacent. The doctor also assures us that Lily will roll over before she walks but you really couldn't prove that by me. I guess her husband could always teach her!..and potty training is all on him!
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