Another Easter, another great year. What big girls I have here! We finally moved to toddler beds in February after Lily climbed over to Bella's side one afternoon naptime. I was so, so sorry to see their beautiful corner cribs go. I was able to sell them on Ebay for the same price that I bought them on Ebay originally for. However, I also included the Pottery Barn Kids bedding that we bought for a mint (and tailored just in the nic of time before the girls arrived in late December, 07).
Bella & Lily have both mastered "the sentence". Bella excels at anything language oriented while Lily is great at almost anything physical. They both LOVE to be read to and when they play alone, they'll "read" books on their own. They've also started cooperative and pretend play. They LOVE to have tea parties almost as much as they love to sing. Both of them know many of the words to many children's songs including the "A, B, C" song. Bella's favorite song is Rock-a-Bye, Baby while Lily loves Itsy, Bitsy Spider. Lily also loves to rock out to just about any music she hears on TV or the radio. They both love to pretend that they can fly and will sing Peter Pan's theme You Can Fly, You Can Fly, You Can Fly, especially when they're on a swing at the park.
They're both still under 30lbs and, according to their 2-year check-up, will not be terribly tall as adults. 5'3, Dr. Starzack predicts. Sure does make a change from their mama!
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