The girls are now 7 years old and continue to grow steadily. They're in the first grade and unfortunately, both are struggling with those preemie issues. Bella is good in math, which is crazy for me since that was my worst subject ever. Lily says she's an artist and loves doing her own crafts at home, much to the dismay of my clean home. She's had an IEP at school since her kindergarten year but ADD and SLD were added to the mix. Autism may also be a consideration we're currently exploring. We're just going to have to work harder, people!
Bella still remains true to Ryan, her "boyfriend" of 4 years now. The both of them live to see each other on play dates.
Last June, we took a trip to Florida to take a cruise to the Caribbean and to spend some time at Disneyworld with my best friend, Amee, and her family. Even with the terrible heat, we had a blast. The girls both ventured into new worlds they had never seen or tried before- riding fast rides for the first time and sampling German food at Epcot.
In December, we took another cruise- this time to Hawaii. What a blast we all had visiting the islands and experiencing a luau. The girls learned to Hula dance and spent Christmas and their 7th birthday on the beach in Maui. The sites were breathtaking.

When we returned, I started my crusade to clean the house and purge all the grown-out-of toys. It was sad to see some of them go but happy that the girls were not particularly upset about it. Perhaps this is because of their recent foray into the wonderful, exciting and expensive world of American Girl Dolls. AG and Barbie seem to be the only toys they play with these days.
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