ok so,
Tomorrow is the last day of school for Augie and I. I have been counting down to this day for months now. It was difficult having to go back to work at 2 months of age for the girls and after my near death in the hospital after their birth. But, as one would expect with twins, money is always tight and we need two of everything. So, back to work I went reminding myself that it was for only 3 1/2 months until summer break and then I would spend the whole summer with my girls...
Well, not exactly. I, for the first time since I began teaching, was offered summer school...and at my alma mater, Van Nuys High School. I had to accept. But now, when I look into my girls' faces,
they appear to know what's up. I have the strangest feeling that, though they barely know their names or eachother, they understand the value of
a good guilt trip!

1 comment:
Oh my goodness is she sitting up by herself?
When did you introduce solids? Are you going by their corrected age or real age? We started cereal about a week ago and boy was that messy!
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