I tried out the Canon Rebel XT today. I probably should have started by reading the manual, but, as usual, I started by clicking the shutter...and clicking and clicking...I shot 158 photos in the course of a few hours. But, when I finally uploaded them on my PC- I discovered an important thing about my photography skills: while my close-ups/head shots are decent, I suck at anything wide angle. Hmm, I wonder if this is a symbol of being closed-off...ok, maybe that's a little too much analysis. Anyway, here are two pretty little girls. Lily's blue eyes show up pretty nicely with the new Canon.

We purchased the Rebel as well! I came across a post on craigs list from a man who was in the middle of a divorce and needed money so he was selling his camera. Thankfully I was able to get it REALLY cheap. We love ours!
We have two strollers. I love my BOB and the other is "okay" (bulky). My husband wants me to sell the other one but I keep thinking that some day I may need it.
The schedule thing is pretty hard. Their first few months it was all h** around here eating, sleeping, crying whenever they wanted. Then about a month or so ago I tried a schedule...that didn't work. Right now they "seem" to be on a schedule but nothing that I have enforced. They were eating every 3 with a bedtime of 6 pm, but now it is 4-3-4 and 6 pm bedtime. Im thinking the 3 is looking like more like 4 and probably a 7 pm bedtime, but who knows what they have up their little sleeves. My tinier one is going to make sure I get this mommy thing right. Sometimes she only eats 3 ounces and her sister chugs 6 ounces down. She now weighs 11.6 (4.3 at birth). I guess if she doesn't want to eat anymore she is not hungry :/ I wonder if she was not a twin would I think any differently (wouldn't have anyone to compare to).
We live pretty close to the beach so I try to take them after their third nap for a walk but other than that we generally stay home. They only stay awake about an hour, hour and a half and by the time I feed them, change...its almost time to go back down!
Hope you guys have a good weekend!
Nice pictures! Enjoy!! :)
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