
Its looking good...

ok so,

It's official. Lily can walk! No more of the half walk, half crawl. She's finally decided that its worth it to take the 5 or 7 steps needed to pick up the toy in the middle of the room as opposed to taking a step or 2 and then falling downward to complete the trek in a swift crawl. Yay!

The girls are really starting to understand things a lot better. After I brush my hair, they will both take the brush and put it to their heads as if to brush their own hair. And Bella even took a spoon the other day and really tried to scoop the food into it before putting in her mouth. "Tried" is the buzz word here. Both girls are trying to put shapes into the appropriate shape holes and they both love to listen to a book being read to them.

Every day the girls get cuter and cuter. They look so different from when they were just a couple of months old. They also look vastly different from each other. People ask constantly if they are twins. I think people think they just look like girls of the same size from two different families. Its hard sometimes to believe that they are actually twins. Friends keep telling us that Lily looks a lot like her father. And Bella? Well, Bella is just the spitting image of me. My mother just gave me a picture of myself when I was 2 years old. You be the judge. And, check out the butterfly collar, was I sporting it or what? The year was 1976, eesh!


Cynthia said...

What great accomplishments!

I do think they look like each of you as babies/toddlers!! How neat!!

I really love having twins that look nothing alike!!

Claire said...

So cute! And yes, the girls really are carbon copies of the two of you - so sweet!


Heather & Chaos said...

My twins do not look anything alike either! One looks like my dh and the other looks like me. I'll have to find pictures and see how much we compare. Your girls are adorable!!!